tisdag, juli 31, 2007


Today I've been shopping. Not so much big things, but small things just because I wanted to. I don't know how long it's been since I really did that. Much of it were, as I said small things, but I found a top I really, really liked. Okay, that's an understatement. THAT TOP IS SO FUCKING GODDAMN SMEXY, especially on me. I even got hot for myself while trying it on in the store. ^^

I ate french fries too. I think I'm stuck on eating french fries and ketchup. >_< I don't really know why, but I just get these cravings for french fries with ketchup. Usually my cravings go away once I've eaten the subject of my desire but not this time. I wonder why.

I also watched "A Knight's Tale" today. I -love- that movie. I could easily watch it over and over and over again. Heath Ledger = total hotness. I love how well most actors fit with their characters. All of 'Ulrich''s companions are so well matched to their roles, but the interaction between Paul Bettany (Chaucer) and Alan Tudyk (Wat) is one of my absolute favourite parts with the whole movie.
"Pain! Pain! Take the pain!"
I actually don't think I can say how much I adore this movie, nor explain why because there are so many reasons I would probably miss half of them if I tried to mention them all. I just love. you'll have to do with that. ^^

Oh, and the best quote of my entire day; "I can be such an apple-slut..." - Scrubs ^^

torsdag, juli 26, 2007

"Human filth"...

... is an expression that comes to my mind sometimes.

I saw both "Silent Hill" and "West Side Story" today. Both makes me recoil in the face of humankind.

Silent Hill is a great movie, at least in my opinion. I love the way they have built up the whole town, with the ashclad fog and everything. I also love how the sirens sound before each danger. The first part of the movie, before she gets to the church, I really love. It is made to be frightful and it is. I also very much enjoy Jodelle Ferland's acting. She does an exceptional job as the darker side. But no matter how much I like this movie, I somehow can't bring myself to like the second part. No, that's wrong. I do -like- the second part, as a movie, some scenes even escalates to love. It's just that it makes me a bit sick in my soul to watch the stupidity of mankind. And I hate to be reminded of how cruel they can be.

"West Side Story" carries some of that element, almost more of it. And despite loving musicals as I do, this was actually the first time I saw it. The actors were horrible and I seriously hope they will make a remake of it in modern times. I would have if I could, but I can't so I'll leave it up to Hollywood to realize that they want to do it. ^^
The story is rather cute, a little Romeo & Juliet over it. The music actually sucks, but it could have been the performers too. And I cried in the ending, not because of what happened to her but because of why and how stupid a reason that was. There was also a scene in which the heroine's brother's girlfriend are trying to leave a message to the hero on her behalf but his gang prevents her (of course, without knowing what she wanted). That scene made me nauseous. Honest to God (mine, not the others), people are stupid. And humanity disgust me in so many ways so often it hurts.

But to wrap it all up;
Silent Hill - beautiful movie (good actors, exceptional filming and climbs above the disgust)
West Side Story - horrible movie (bad actors, bad filming and horrible voices)


... I was watching "Pirates of the Caribbean; Dead Man's Chest" earlier. I like those movies, mostly because I've always had the hots for Johnny Depp and as Captain Jack Sparrow he's hotter than ever. Although it's so obviously a sequel, it has its moments (except the thing with that wheel, I mean that's cute but way over the top).
Spoiler: But it was kind of funny, because when they're in Tortuga, recruiting, there is a scene where Jack walks up the stairs to the balcony when suddenly a couple of guys carrying another guy burst out in front of him. In that exact moment I was gripped by the notion how similar he and my friend Henke were at the time. I have no idea why the thought entered my mind, because they're not really that much alike otherwise, rather the contrary. But I guess they both do possess a certain kind of charm that's permeated with some sort of delusion of grandeur. Except they're not much of delusions really for either of them, at least not in my world. ^^
I think Henke would be a great pirate in that way. Pirate captain even, I find it hard to see him as anything less. I'd easily throw away any William Turner for a Captain Chade to pillage my village. ;D

But to sum the movie up, I mostly like it, even though it's totally pwned by the first movie (as most sequels are).

onsdag, juli 25, 2007

Evaluation of ze weekend

I've been to Stockholm over the weekend. That was fairly nice.
Yeah. That's probably the understatement of the year. ^^ It was wonderful. Marvellous.
I love both Rome and Josefine so much, it makes my heart soar to visit them. David was there too, at first, but I stayed a little while longer than him. Which of course means that I had our hosts all to myself, mwahaha. Eh. Yeah. Something like that. ^^
We had many adventures during my stay. Apart from the wonderful hourlong chats enjoying each others company, we barbequed in a pitch black forest, we ate foreign food with fruits in a scary restaurant and ice-cream with cloudberryjam and whipped cream with the tourists, frolicked around on the medieval tavern, met up with a wonderful woman that blaze your eyes with her beauty, harassed a poor defenseless boy who lives in the north, went bookshopping and, of course, I ate the most orgasmic piece of apple pie I ever had in my entire life. Those of you who know me knows about my general obsession with apple pie therefore you must know how much that means coming from me, and for those of you who don't... why are you reading this at all? ^^

Needless to say, I had a wonderful time.
We also managed to watch a movie called "Arthur and the Invisibles" (which director is none other than Luc Besson), a family movie I probably never would have seen on my own accord. It's about a boy called Arthur (obviously) who lives with his grandmother who is about to be evicted. Arthur hears a tale about the Minimoys and is determined to find them as well as the treasure his now missing grandfather left with them before the deadline of the eviction runs out.
It's a very charming movie. I liked it a lot. Arthur was kind of hot as an animated Minimoy. ;D
No, but seriously, the animations was really good and the fighting scene in the bar, or whatever, was hilarious. I loved it! It had so many of those subtle comments or parodies that it was not just any family movie, it was a family movie endurable for adults as well, often even worth the while of watching it. The real surprising part though was the credits. I had no idea so many stars were actually in it, doing the voices of the Minimoys. But all in all, it was a well worth waste of time and a little more. ^^
"I'm just a mini-Minimoy!"

I also bought books, as I mentioned, but only one of them was not a recommendation, but more of an impulse. It's a collection of short stories called "Furry Fantastic" by authors I never heard of before. It's about animals with fur. Yeah, I know. I'm such a sucker for weird topics. ^^
I bought mostly because it seemed so cute, but I was very amazed to find that it was actually really good. On the first page there is an exertion from "Wan Sui Ye" by Elizabeth A. Vaughan. I spent the next 167 pages waiting for that one to come up. I'm not saying that those in between were bad, on the contrary. One of the best was on p. 62, "In Between the Dark and the Light" by Diana Francis, about a dog who turned guardian angel. Not only were my eyes stuck to the pages, clinging on to every written word, but I actually read it twice, enchanted like that both times. I sat in Stockholm's train station waiting for my train to come, really fighting the tears back, -both- times. First time I cried despite my efforts, second time I only cried a little. ^^ So if we put my maudlinity aside, it is still a really, really, well-written story that I would recommend to everyone I see. Even strangers on the street.
There was also one called "Superstition" by Jody Lynn Nye, that caught my attention, especially near the end. It's about a stray cat, Stish, who's known by everyone in his little town, doing his daily routines with different people. In the beginning it was simply sweet, but near the end came a scene of dancing, so well described I actually laughed out loud, still at the train station. By now, people were moving away from me, I had a whole bench to myself with twenty people carrying heavy luggage standing around me rather than sit next to me.
However. When I finally came to "Wan Sui Ye" I wasn't disappointed at all. It's easily the best of them all.
"Ninja rats? What the fu-"
All of the others are great short stories and should stay that way (I can't imagine "In Between the Dark and the Light" as anything else), but this one I could read a whole book of. And it could extend to a whole book with ease, especially with that intruiging ending. In fact, the only disappointment was that it ended at all.
"Who knew a rat could scream like a girl?"
Though I myself found nearly all of the stories were well readable, I do realize that I might be biased because of my special liking of alternative theories or twists of things. Most of these are written from the animals perspective and I am particularly fond of stories that takes something well known and put it in a new light. Here, I would much like to mention "Freedom's Toll" by Marc Tassin, which was written from a gerbil's point of view. It was brilliant. No, I did not cry, even though I very well could have. Instead, this one simply touched me. It was... simply brilliant.
Only two of these were actually written in those alternative worlds fantasy is so well-known for. Both I enjoyed a lot, but I think I enjoyed it more that they were the exceptions rather than the standard.
Anyways, I liked it a lot. And yes, I would recommend it. I think there is a story in it for anyone. Kind of like a book for all tastes that might stand reading an anthology dedicated only to furry animals. ^^

torsdag, juli 19, 2007

Howl's Moving Castle

A little more than a week ago, right in the beginning of our IRL, the beautiful Nahal gave me a book called "Howl's Moving Castle", by author Diana Wynne Jones. I had already seen the movie, a couple of times and loved it, so I have been rather curious about it as a book. Today seemed like a perfect opportunity to begin reading it, since I wanted something else to occupy my mind for a change. So today I picked it up, a couple of hours ago, and today, no more than half an hour ago, I put it down.

My first impression is that it was nothing at all like the movie. Really. The story seemed to have been built in two so completely different ways that it is hard to connect the pair. Now, I am not saying that either is better than the other because they are both kind of brilliant in their own manner.
Though of course, as it almost always does, the book did explain a lot of things that has been left out of the movie, but at the same time I think the movie was in many ways... cuter. And I think the differences they have are perfect for my taste, because the book is written as I like to read such a story and the movie is made as I would prefer a movie.

Although, despite me being very lenient as I always am, I actually preferred the ending of the book. Particularly the part of how the threesome ended up. But I did miss the dark Howl out of the movie, since that was one of my favourite elements from the movie.

But all in all, I simply liked it. A lot. ^^

New, better pawprints!

I have decided to reinvent my pawprints. The changes made are, first of all, that I am not going to write it in two languages like I did before, and we all know how that ended up. ^^
And since English have a lot more benefits for me, as well as for those of you following my life not understanding Swedish, I chose to stick with it.
Second comes that I will be trying to write about books I read, movies or series I see and games I play. Not as reviews, because I suck at those since I am mostly too nice and find things I like in, oh, about everything. ^^
This also means, which all of you who have spoken to me at all these past few weeks should know, that a very long post about "Harvest Moon" is coming up soon. ^^
Third will be... well, honestly I have nothing more than this, except that I hope to be able to update better from now on if I don't have write everything twice. Perhaps not on a regular basis but you take the good, you take the bad, you know. ^^

So. There you have. ^^