onsdag, augusti 15, 2007

I Have No Hair

I cut it off. I didn't mean to. I was just going to trim it a little so that my two lenghts were united. It became very short, yes, my love, short as in so much shorter I want to sink into a pit and die. Well, not all that bad. I was able to save a lot, even though got rid of nearly half of it.
All because of Charlize Theron. I hate her. Not really, but I miss my hair.
And yes, I am aware of how trivial this problem may seem to you all, but it isn't to me. I -love- my hair. If there is anything I love, or even like, about myself then it would be my hair. So to me, it is a big deal. Though as I said, it is not all that bad. I managed to make it look a lot better than it could have. By me Lord, it could have been boy-short! And if that had occurred I would have jumped from the balcony. Seriously.

My mother and I, who by the way helped me cut my hair right, have engaged in a sort of suicide pact. To me, it feels like one, especially tonight. I fear that I might not be able to go through with it.
(not only fear, i'm quite certain of it :P Sorry, mum)
Another thing I'm going to mention now is that yesterday my mother got me this really silly girlmagazine since it had stickers with Happy Bunny and I adore Happy Bunny. But when I skimmed through it, from nostalgia-reasons, I got more and more upset as I went. What the hell are they thinking, the people giving out this magazine?? It is intended for girls between ages 8-12-14 or something like that and what are they writing about? I'll tell you what the fuck they are writing about. How to best put your makeup on and clothing tips that makes you look slimmer, among other, equally stupid, things. How the fuck are they allowed to publish this piece of shit?
Personally, I think most magazines with these things in, intended for adults, are just... stupid. But I can't, for all the adoration of me Lord, understand what is going through those people's mind when they unleash this upon girls that age. If anything, they should be ashamed of themselves, for making a profit of turning little girls into neurotic wannabe-'adults', worrying about their looks when they should be out playing instead. Honestly, people... how do you sleep at night?

Anyways. I'm not supposed to update for real this time either, although I happened to have a lot to say about that idiotic magazine, but it is coming a very long post on what I've been doing up here lately and I'm not doing much else than watch movies right now.

But I did see an earthworm today. :)
I was sitting out back with my boys on the grass when it suddenly appeared in front of me. I was kind of surprised, I have never seen a worm in the grass like that before. It was really, really cute. ^^
So I picked him up and moved him a bit, showed him briefly to my boys, but not long since the whole point of moving the poor thing was so that they wouldn't eat him up. ^^
Here's the tricky part. When I put him down, he disappeared! Not quite into thin air I guess, but rather into the ground but still. It was pretty cool. ^^

No, I did not find it interesting because I am bored. I found it interesting because I am silly. ^^

Miss you still. <3>

3 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Trivial? Dear, I assure you, at least one of your readers finds the matter in no way trivial.


Autumn sa...

Dearie, you know what I think, you're always dead smexy.
But I liked your long hair better *honest* Maybe you can go to a hairdresser and get her to cut it Aeon Flux?
Anyway I saw the pic, and you're cute as Hell always =)

But still, I know the feeling. My hair is what I really like about me too. A couple of times, it's been cut so short (by accident) that I've cried about it. That bad. I've had shorter hair than my brother for a while, and his didn't reach his ears...

It'll grow long. Like.. Rapunzel long =) Positive thinking, positive thinking =)

Anonym sa...

You CUT your hair?!
Even though I agree with Nahal on this one, you're always dead smexy, but... but why?
