tisdag, augusti 21, 2007

My Little Pony


Yes. I am actually doing it, I am writing a tribute to My Little Pony. Those of you not interested can stop reading right now. I am going all out with my affection towards the ponies. ^^


Once upon a time there lived a little redhaired girl in Sweden who lov
ed My Little Ponies. Years later that little girl grew up and loved My Little Ponies even more. Yes. It's true. I love MLP. Everything about them. Still. They are my collector-obsession. Yes. I do collect MLP as well. Of course. And guess what? I am not ashamed of it at all. :P

This all started acting up again for real about say, somewhere around... 8-10 years ago. I'm not entirely sure exactly when, but the weird thing was I kept having this strange dream about MLP's. After not having thought very much about them before, it felt very odd for me to suddenly start having this dream, because in fact it was only one dream that kept coming back to me. And I'm not kidding, I had this dream for months. So eventually I gave in. I brought my MLP's down from the attic and started collecting the videos with them, since pieces of that dream referred to two of the movies. At first it was only to get rid of the dream. But when I finally, years after it started, got my hands on the last movie, I was stuck again. ^^
(note; I'm not complaining ^^)

Now I have admitted to myself that I love them. And yes, I might be a bit obsessed with them too. But hey, we all have our little kinks, don't we? ^^

The reason I came up with this post at all was that I was searching Tradera (a Swedish auction webpage) for some things for my big project mentioned in Hungermorr and stumbled across Cherry Jubilee. Not one of her, but about three or four of her. And she's quite rare (to me, who is not as experienced as most other MLP-collectors are). Cherry Jubilee is my Holy pony-Grail. She and Applejack. What I wouldn't do to have them... but for some reason, they are only available when I can't buy them. >_<

From here on, I will delve deeper into the intruiging world of My Little Pony and start talking about the dolls that I also collect. And I do have quite a few.

When I was a very little girl I used to play a lot at our neighbour's place. They were a family with two daughters roughly in me and my sisters age. These girls also had quite a collection of MLP's back then, even bigger than mine is now. And amongst these ponies was Applejack. So her I've loved ever since. And she's also in my favourite MLP-movie too. ^^

They also had Gusty, Heartthrob, Sundance and Lickety Split, who are also on my list of ponies to acquire. I have a very long list of those. Along with Firefly, North Star, Posey, Medley, Tex, Masquerade, Cherry Treats, Fizzy, and you get the picture of my very, very long list. ^^
Oh, and Sweet Stuff! She's a pony-Grail too. ^^

But putting all the ponies I don't have aside, Shady was always my favourite when I was little. Still is, and probably always will be. I used to bring her everywhere with me. Oh, and Sugarberry! I did the same with her. But when I was younger I could sit playing with all of my ponies or just some of them for hours and hours and never grow tired of them. I even used to bathe with them. ^^
Imagine that, a little five-year-old version of me in a huuuge bathtub and about, oh, 10-20 plastic pony dolls floating around along with the bubbles. You could hardly see the bathtub when all of those were in. ^^
Sometimes I even slept with all of them in my bed, just because I felt like I wanted to sleep with one of them in particular but then i felt bad for all of the other ponies that had to sleep in the box so I had to bring all of them to bed with me instead.

Yeah... I'm a bit creepy.

But I didn't just have the dolls. I had clothes, curtains, bed linen, movies, tapes, tapes with enclosed storybooks ("Titta. Lyssna. Läs." ^^), colouring books... you name it and I probably had it. Many of these things I still have, as a matter of fact. And I will NEVER ever get rid of them. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but I'll never stop loving MLP. ^^

And I don't just collect the dolls. I love everything about MLP. Especially old storybooks and tapes and such. ^^ And I would just die to own a piece of clothing with the old school MLP on it. *wantsss*

I recently discovered that they have released the old movies on DVD in Sweden now. Milia so happy. <3 Until recently you could only find the early 90's series on DVD. I myself though has only gotten a hold of one of them so far. But the plan is to catch them all. ;D

I feel as if I must take a moment to defend my honour (salvage what's left of it after this post anyways ^^). I do not, in any way, support what My Little Pony has become today. The MLP I
-love- is the really old school stuff, from the 80's. But I like the ones from the early 90's too. They're cute. ^^ But the pimped-out glitterponies that are known for younger generations as My Little Pony is worth nothing to me. (I'm sorry, little ponies, please don't hate me :( )

I feel so nostalgic right now, you have no idea. I wish my ponies had moved down with me. I think I have to call home and see if I can get them down here. :)
Oh Lord, I really need to stop writing somewhere about now. But seriously. You people already know my tree doesn't go all the way to the top branch. XD

And this morning's conclusion; Milia = obsessive MLP-collector. ^^

Cherry Jubilee

2 kommentarer:

Autumn sa...

I have one of those movies somewhere, recorded on a tape from when I was 7.

The .. smooze(?) is about to destroy everything in pony-valley and the flutterponies (they were pretty stuck-up really...) save the day.
Danny DeVito did one of the voices... maybe the pink little dragon whos name eludes me.

It was cute anyways =) I'm being nostalgic about it now.

Anonym sa...

Aww. You little MLP-stalker. <3

Btw, Danny DeVito did the Grundle King. :)